Translation as Recovery / Sujit Mukherjee

Edited by  Meenkshi Mukherjee

A sequel to the widely acclaimed Translation as Discovery, this volume not only builds on the ground of the earlier book but also seeks to extend it. It includes a perceptive account of the long history of translation in India, study of multiple translations of single texts using perspectives of ‘book history’ as well as literary criticism, observations on translation as a craft, ‘nearly equal’ to art but not quite so, assessment of the pedagogic and market possibilities of translated texts, accent on sturdily indigenist translatorial practices and several other key concerns of Translation Studies, reflecting the author’s life-long engagement with the varied aspects of the discipline. Scholarly yet jargon-free, this last book of Sujit Mukherjee is a widely contextualized, toughly interrogative and highly readable work which will not so much impress and daunt the reader as it will delight and persuade her.

Sujit Mukherjee began his career as a teacher of English literature but as a critic he invariably focussed on issues and texts relating to India. His books include A Passage to America (1964), Towards A Literary History of India (1975), Translation as Discovery (1981) and Forster and Further (1983). Even after he left the university to join publishing, he continued to pursue his scholarly interest in literary history and translation studies. He was a stylish writer, noted for his originality, independence of judgment and a sense of humour. He has a cult following among his readers. He is also well-known for his translations from Bangla into English, specially Tagore’s Gora and Buddhadev Bose’s The Book of Yudhistir. Sujit Mukherjee passed away in 2003.

ISBN 81-85753-63-6           2009           208 pp           Rs.600(hb)
All issues relating to translations, and comments on the variety of translations are handled in an engaging style that is academically educative and lucid for a common man.
Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi.
Comes with a perceptive introductory essay and tribute by Harish Trivedi, ranges widely across such matters as the pedagogic possibilities of translations and issues surrounding “indegeneity”, and makes a significant contribution to translation studies.
Journal of Commonwealth Literature, U.K