In Translation: Reflections, Refractions, Transformations
by Paul St-Pierre and Prafulla C. Kar |
With contributions by researchers from India, Europe, North America and the Caribbean, this volume touches on a variety of topics – including copyright, cultural hybridity, globalization, identity construction, minority languages, questions which are of interest not only for the disciplinary development of translation studies but for comparative literature, cultural studies and world literature as well. In Translation provides a place for new voices to be heard alongside those of well-established scholars and for current concerns to express themselves, often taking as their points of departure practices in areas of the world other than Europe or North America, which have until now tended to dominate the field.
Paul St-Pierre teaches in the Department of linguistics and translation at Université de Montréal, Canada. He is interested in the social and cultural contexts of translation, and has edited volumes relating to the history of translation (TTR 1997) and translation in India (Meta 1997). With Sherry Simon, he co-edited Changing the Terms. Translating in the Postcolonial Era, published both in Canada (University of Ottawa Press 2000) and in India (Orient Longman 2002). He has been involved in a number of collaborative translation projects from Oriya into English, including, most recently, Dear Jester and Other Stories (Rupa 2004; with Rabi K. Swain), and Ants, Ghosts and Whispering Trees (HarperCollins 2003; with K.K. and Leelawati Mohapatra).
Prafulla C. Kar is one of the founder editors of the Journal of Contemporary Thought, Baroda. He was until recently Professor of English at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. He was also Deputy Director of the American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad during 1982-86. He was a Fellow at the School of Criticism and Theory at Dartmouth College, USA in 1986. Besides editing several scholarly books, he has published papers on American literature, critical theory and new literatures in English.
Daniel Simeoni, R. Anthony Lewis, Helene Buzelin, Probal Dasgupta, Rajendra Singh, Sukanta Chaudhuri, Judith Lavoie, Sherry Simon, Salah Basalamah, Christi A. Merrill, Debendra K.Dash, Dipti R. Pattanaik, Saji Mathew, Luise von Flotow, Brita Oeding, Marc Charron, Gabriel Moyal, Alexis Nouss, Michael Cronin, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Harish Trivedi.
ISBN 81-85753-68-9 2009 286 pp Rs.575 (hb) |
This extraordinary work is sure to be useful to anyone who specialises in Translation Studies, Its essays, thoughtfully divided into four sections, unfold themselves like the little windows of a castle opening on to uncommon vistas.
Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi |